Year of Innovation



Friday, August 27, 2021 • 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Welcome – 8:00 am
Lunch – 11:45 am


8:00 - 9:25 am

Welcome to Fall 2021 – Tim McGrath, GWC President

Instruction – Meridith Randall, Vice President

Student Services – Dr. Claudia Lee, Vice President

Administrative Services – Janet Houlihan, Vice President

Academic Senate – Pete Bouzar, President

Classified Senate – Ben Olague, President

Preparing for the Day – Dr. Kristine Clancy, Flex Coordinator 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 968 0568 6305

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

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9:30 - 10:00 am

Safe Computer Practices
Danny Gorman & Eric Hobbs, District Cyber Security

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 919 7000 8800

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

We all have worries if we are doing our best to understand the threats that we face at work and at home. This talk will be a beginner to intermediate walk through on things you can do today to help protect your data and devices.

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10:15 - 11:45 am

Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been? Meeting the Moment & Achieving the Vision for Success

Deborah L. Harrington, Executive Director of California Community Colleges’ Success Network (i.e., 3CSN) and Dean for Student Success at Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD); Jessica Cristo, 3CSN’s Network Director and LACCD’s Associate Dean for Student Success 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 924 9293 2318

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

Higher education is at an inflection point. We are experiencing the convergence of a global pandemic, a national racial reckoning, remote teaching and learning, social distancing, and more. When we return to campus, what new knowledge and insights about teaching and learning, social justice, wellness, and connection are we bringing with us?  What pre-pandemic practices will resume? And how will we intentionally weave old and new so as to emerge from this experience, rather than reset to March 2020?

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12:30 - 1:15 pm

Lauren Servais, 3CSN’s Lead Facilitator and English Chair at Santa Rosa Junior College will conduct a two-part, interactive workshop moving from collaborative action planning in the morning session to individual and department action planning in the afternoon. 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 924 9293 2318

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

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Session 1: 1:30 - 2:10 pm
Session 2: 2:20 - 3:00 pm

  • All breakout sessions are offered twice: Session 1 and Session 2.
  • Sessions will be recorded and shared campus-wide after Flex Day.
  • Zoom links are unique for each topic.
  • You must sign in at the start of each session you attend to receive attendance credit.
  • QR codes and an attendance link will be provided for participants to sign in during each session.

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1:30 - 2:10 pm  or  2:20 - 3:00 pm

Retaining Students: Strategies for Faculty
Wendy Parslow-Helton, Psychology

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 971 7041 3633

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

Students cannot learn all of the awesome things you have to share in your classes if they don’t stay in the class! In the pandemic, this is an important issue, now more than ever. In this session, faculty will learn best practices re: what other faculty are doing at colleges across the U.S. to retain students in these uncertain times. Retention-focused strategies for communication, syllabi, course structure, classroom, online, and grading will be presented. Faculty will also have the opportunity to share their own strategies re: retention.

Objective: Faculty will be able to implement and utilize new strategies to increase retention and reduce drop rates of students in their classes.

Faculty should bring: List of one or two strategies that they already use to retain students. 

How to (and Why You Should) Integrate Academic Support into Your Class
Christina Oja, Academic Support Manager; Dr. Erin Craig, Math Instructor and Department Chair; Ayesha Zia, English Instructor and Basic Skills Coordinator

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 393 804 5658

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833 

Many students do not benefit from the academic support resources available to them for various reasons, including not wanting to ask for help, not having the extra time, or simply not being aware of resources. Integrating support into our classes will make these resources more visible and accessible to our students.

Objective: Faculty who complete this breakout session will gain strategies for integrating academic support into their classes.

Faculty should bring: an assignment or class syllabus on which we will practice integrating support resources.

Humanizing Your Syllabus
Casandra Hernandez Rios 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 958 9681 6859

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

This session has faculty re-evaluate their current syllabus to see how they can build in empathy, connection, and engagement. Faculty will review tools and techniques to create a syllabus that establishes a sense of feeling connected to the instructor. 

Faculty should bring a copy of their online syllabus to the session. 

Making Your Canvas Pages Pop!
Juli Van Dorn

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 929 1030 9168

Passcode: 009903

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

With DesignPlus, you can quickly and easily add aesthetic appeal to your Canvas Pages and make them more engaging for students! In this session, we'll cover selecting a "Theme," which will add visual structure, icons, and colors to your page. Themes organize your content in a more visually appealing way, which reduces reading fatigue for students and helps them more easily find what they need. We'll also add an interactive "Quick Check," so that students can confirm their understanding of key points as they're learning. While DesignPlus allows infinite customizations once you get rolling, we'll focus on the quick and easy basics that everyone will want to use!

Course Substitutions: Would You Approve?
Jennifer Bailly

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 977 8594 1624

Phone: (669) 900-6833

Learn about the new course substitution process and course substitution practices.  Attendees will discuss various cases of course substitutions and decide "Would you Approve?"  We will discuss tips for program revisions that will help students, faculty, and the college increase degree completion while reducing substitution requests.

EOPS and Beyond
Natalie Timpson

This session is designed to provide a general overview of services the EOPS Program provides to students. Professional development trainings we offer throughout the academic year for our campus community. As well as discussion of EOPS Title 5 requirements and what we need to meet compliance guidelines with the State as it pertains to faculty. 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 943 7746 1526

Phone: (669) 900-6833 

Every Vote Counts: Civic Engagement and Voter Empowerment at Golden West College
Frank Cirioni, Director of Campus Life and College Disciplinary Officer

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 976 4602 8499

Passcode: 659948

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

On October 8, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 963, Student Civic and Voter Empowerment Act, into law. AB 963 requires all California Community Colleges to distribute campuswide e-mails to all students with voting- and election-related dates and information; to include voting and election dates on all print and online academic calendars; to post reminders on social media; to designate one person per campus to serve as the Civic and Voter Empowerment Coordinator with specified responsibilities; and to develop and submit a Civic and Voter Empowerment Action Plan to the California Secretary of State. The Campus Life team performed these duties during the 2020-2021 academic year and received top honors from the California Secretary of State, Shirley Weber, for our participation in the 2020 College and University Ballot Bowl. Participants will be invited to develop individual and/or departmental action plans to support GWC’s Civic Engagement and Voter Empowerment program. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled for interested participants to meet with the Campus Life team and GWC student leaders.

SchoolsFirst FCU –Let’s Talk Retirement!
Liz Shatzel

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 742 933 3964

Phone Number: (669) 900-9128

Learn what retirement savings plan options are available to you. Gain a basic understanding of your pension (CalSTRS/CalPERS) and why it is important to have additional savings. Have the opportunity to enroll in a 403b/457b. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore how to better prepare yourself for the future!

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3:00 pm

Rob Schneiderman, President, Coast Federation of Educators

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 853 0198 5562

Passcode: 057209

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

Lynn Buller, President, Coast CCA

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 944 9043 9593

Passcode: 049001

Phone Number: (669) 900-6833

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Before lunch

Julie U Nguyen
(714) 895-8103

David Vasquez
(714) 895-8309

After lunch

Jill Keifer
(714) 895-8309

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