1.What is the difference between a degree and a diploma?
A degree is the academic rank or grade earned by completing a specified program of study. A diploma is a paper displaying the name of the degree.
2. Can you tell me what I have left for my certificate/AA/transfer requirements?
For students who have completed 30 units of college course work may request a pre-graduation check and I will give you the missing requirements.
If you would like to discuss and/or have more detail questions about courses you have left to complete your academic goal, please make an appointment to see one of our academic counselors. Please contact the Counseling Center at make an appointment and make sure on the day of your appointment that you bring your student ID as well as all your transcripts from all colleges you have attended if we do not have them on file.
3. What is Certification of General Education? The University of California and California State University G.E. Breadth agreements indicate a series of lower division coursework that a student can complete at GWC to satisfy the lower-division general education requirements at the transfer campus.
Certification is an indication of the completion of the entire pattern of general education for the California State University, (CSU GE Breadth), and/ or University of California, (IGETC), campuses. Certification allows students to satisfy their lower division GE requirements by following the approved community college curriculum rather than the university's lower division GE pattern.
4. What will happen after I submit the graduation petition?
We complete evaluations in the following order:
- Students with Associate Degree for Transfer (If you have petitioned for AAs as well these won't be evaluated until all ADTs are finished.)
- Students with Associate Degrees (Depending on how many ADTs are submitted, it can take weeks for a response.)
- Then students with Certificates.
Please ensure successful completion of all your in-progress courses. If you do not have in-progress courses, no further action is required unless notified.
If you are required to perform further action or have been denied, you will be notified through your student email and personal email (if any).
All students may check their unofficial transcript for their most updated degree/certificate status. (Certificates of Specialization does not show on transcripts.)
5. When will my degree appear on my transcript?
Your college will review your record and certify your degree following the end of your final term. Your degree will usually be recorded on your academic record approximately 4 weeks after your conferral date.
6. How do I update my mailing and email address?
You may update your mailing and personal email address by logging on to your MyGWC.com account.
MyGWC / Registration / Update Personal Info / Update Addresses and Phones
7. May I change the way my name is shown on my diploma?
We use the name we have on file with the Admission and Records.
If you wish to change your name on your diploma, please fill out NAME CHANGE REQUEST form.
8. When is commencement?
Graduation ceremony, also known as Commencement, takes place every year towards the end of May after the Spring semester to celebrate the previous year’s Summer and Fall graduates, as well as this year’s Spring graduates.
9. How do I RSVP for commencement?
Even though commencement is not mandatory, we encourage you to join us in celebrating your success. Beginning of May, the graduation department will contact all students through email with all necessary commencement information.
10. Will I receive my diploma at commencement?
No, students will only receive diploma covers at commencement. Your diploma will be mailed out 2 to 3 months after the semester ends. Mailing updates will post on the Graduation channel of the GWC app.
11. If I walk in commencement, does that mean I have been awarded my degree?
Since commencement takes place during the last week of Spring, all Summer and Fall graduates have been awarded their degree on their GWC official transcript. As for all Spring graduates, since final evaluation happens after commencement, please note that Spring graduates who participate in the ceremony may be denied the degree if they do not meet all necessary requirements during the final evaluation.
12. Will I receive my diploma if I have a hold on my record?
You may not receive your diploma if you have a past-due account balance.
13. Why have I not yet received my diploma in the mail?
- There are several reasons why you may not have received your diploma:
- You did not have a current valid address at the time of mailing the diplomas. Once you contact us, we can have it out mailed again as long as there are no holds on your account.
- Your diploma was mailed to your current address and was lost in the mail. If you contact the Graduation Clerk within 90 days from the mailing date, we will be able to replace it for free as long as it is sent to the same address. If you contact us after 90 days of the mailing, you will need to order a replacement diploma and pay a fee for the replacement.
- There is a possibility your diploma may have been returned to the Graduation Clerk as undeliverable. If this is the case, we will be happy to forward it to you at a new address.
- It is also possible the diploma was mailed to an old address and discarded. In this case, you will need to order a replacement diploma and pay a fee for the replacement.
- There may have been a hold on your student account at the time of the mailing.
14. I have a degree from another country. May I use these courses to complete my degree in the US? Regardless of what post-secondary courses you completed out-of-country, it is generally advisable to have your records evaluated. In order to determine if you can use courses from another country to satisfy US requirements your academic records must be officially translated into English if they were not originally issued in English and you should submit your translated records, along with other necessary documentation, to an independent credentials evaluations service. There are several credential evaluation services to choose from, however, we recommend International Education Research Foundation (IERF, www.ierf.org). Before submitting your academic records for evaluation, you should make an appointment to see one of our academic counselors to discuss whether or not it is advisable to request a credential evaluation. To make an appointment to discuss out-of-country academic records contact the Counseling Center at 714-895-8119.