Thursday, February 22, 2024
8:00 – 4:30 PM

Collective Impact: Nurturing Growth Across the Campus

Previous Flex Days:   Fall 2023  |  Spring 2023  |  Fall 2022  |  Spring 2022  |  Fall 2021

Schedule for the Day

Outside Forum 1
8:00 – 8:30 amCheck In & Breakfast
Forum 1
Math Science Building
9:00 – 10:15 amGWC Roundtable Discussions
Classrooms in Language Arts Complex and Math Science Building
10:30 am – 11:30 am – Department Meetings
Student Union
11:30 am – 12:30 pmLunch
Classrooms in Language Arts Complex
12:30 – 1:50 pmBreakout Sessions 1
1st Floor, Language Arts Complex
1:50 – 2:10 pmSnack & Chat
Classrooms in Language Arts Complex
2:10 – 3:25 pmBreakout Session 2
Forum 1
3:30 – 4:30 pmCFE Union
3:30 – 4:30 pmCCA Union

Check In and BreakFast

Outside Forum 1
8:00 - 8:30 am

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Opening Session

Forum 1
8:30 am - 8:50 am

Welcome from Chancellor Yamamura, Updates from President Randall, Logistics for the Day and GWC Roundtable Discussion Protocol

Math Science Building
9:00 am - 10:15 am

GWC Roundtable Discussions will:

  • Promote and support collaboration in various areas of work at GWC by providing an open forum for sharing ideas, insights, and experiences.
  • Brainstorm ideas and solutions to current challenges or problems collectively, leveraging diverse expertise and perspectives.
  • Share our knowledge, skills, and best practices with colleagues, promoting continuous learning and professional development within the organization
  • Inform further discussion and decision-making processes by allowing all participants to contribute their opinions and viewpoints, leading to well-informed and inclusive decisions.
  • Attendees will choose a "Roundtable Area of Work" they would like to participate in. 
  • No need to bring anything, just your phone to sign into the QR code.
GWC Roundtable Discussions
Roundtable in Area of Work at GWC Location in Math Sci Leaders & Facilitator
Artificial Intelligence  STEM Center Pete Bouzar (leader)
Michelle Veyette (facilitator)
Campus Culture 
Room 113 Alyssa Brown (leader)
Erin Craig (facilitator)
Community Engagement Room 112 Andrea Rangno & Tim Vu (leaders)
Alice Martanegara (facilitator)
Enrollment & Scheduling Room 155 Lauren Sosenko & Kay Nguyen (leaders)
Monica Jovanovich (facilitator)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Room 116 Christina Ryan Rodriguez (leader)  
Jeannette Jaramillo (facilitator)
Finance  Room 117 Rick  Hicks & Paul Wisner (leaders)
Martie Ramm Engle (facilitator)
Safety and Facilities Room 244 Denice Koen & Joe Dowling (leaders)
Damien Jordan (facilitator)
Student Supports and Services Room 347 Claudia Lee & Gisela Verduzco (leaders)
Herman Singh (facilitator)

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Language Arts Complex
10:30 - 11:30 am

Note: If you are on a mobile device, please scroll to the right to view all the content.

Accounting, Business, and Computer Science
(Marketing, Management)
Bern Baumgartner Language Arts Complex 101
(Art & Photography)
Amanda Best & Monica Jovanovich Math Science 116
Athletics (Athletics Director: Danny Johnson) Leilani Johnson Language Arts Complex 106
Automotive Technology, Digital Arts, Drafting Mike Russell Language Arts Complex 102
Biological Sciences
Kate Egan Math Science 244
Communication Studies Heather Kelley & Rachel Wegter Language Arts Complex 315
Cosmetology Jon Holland Language Arts Complex 103
Counseling & EOPS (Includes DSPS and College Success) Heather Antunez & Yvonne Portillo Language Arts Complex 104
Criminal Justice Derrick Watkins CJ Conference Room
English Theresa Lavarini Language Arts Complex 107
Health, Kinesiology & Physical Education Leilani Johnson Language Arts Complex 106
History & Education Sunshine McClain Math Science 112
Liberal Arts & Culture Noah Levin Math Science 113
Library Julie Terrazas Language Arts 105
Mathematics & Engineering
(per Dean, no current active Engineering program)
Shawn Taylor Math Science 117
Noncredit (ELL) / ESL & GED Teresa Nguyen Language Arts 206
Nursing Robert Nguyen Math Science 157
Performing Arts (Theater Arts, Music, Dance) Martie Ramm Engle Language Arts 115
Physical Sciences
(Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Physical Science, Physics)
James Almy Math Science 347
Psychology Laura Duvall Language Arts 205
Social Sciences
(Economics, Political Sciences, Sociology)
Jennifer Bailly Math Science 166
World Languages, Sign Language, Interpreting
(Spanish & Vietnamese)
Cristina Tiernes Cruz Math Science 161

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Student Union
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

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1st Floor of Language Arts Complex
12:30 - 1
:50 pm

AI Best Practices for Students and Staff
Presenter: Noah Levin 

Location: LAC 101

Session Description: Come for a discussion on maintaining authentic assessment in light of the challenges that generative AI poses for our classrooms and the ever-changing approaches and policies regarding academic integrity.

Communicating Respectfully with LGBTQIA+ Students
Presenter: Jeanette Adame 

Location: LAC 103

Session Description: Are you looking for a safe place to practice mindful communication with LGBTQIA+ students? This session will include a brief refresher of LGBTQIA+ terminology, followed by a collaborative activity designed to ease any anxieties you may have when interacting with queer students. Participants will be given best practices and then discuss respectful conversation approaches together. This session is designed for people who both have and have not been to LGBTQIA+ training sessions in the past.

But I Didn’t Sign Up to Teach High School: Dual Enrollment Success Strategies
Presenters: Doreen Fioretto & Ayesha Zia 

Location: LAC 102

Session Description: Dual enrollment is here to stay and participation in dual enrollment is growing, statewide. This session will provide an overview of what this growth looks like, how dual enrollment is closing opportunity gaps, as well as best practices and challenges from GWC dual enrolled classrooms.

Early Semester Checkpoints and Reflections in the Classroom
Presenters: Erin Craig and Criss Vo 

Location: LAC 104

Session Description: Join us for an enriching breakout session tailored for instructors who want to pause now that we are in week 5, and focus on assessing their practices and policies as an early semester reflections. Participants will engage in a policy inventory actvity to reflect on the effectiveness of current policies in practice and engage in rich discussion.

** This session is designed for Part-time Faculty Toolkit participants, but open to all!

From BAT to ACT: Updates, Best Practices, and Collaboration
Presenters: Carla Martinez, Kyle Smith, Christina Oja, Denice Koen

Location: LAC 105

Session Description: This session will introduce faculty to the new GWC Assessment & Care Team (ACT), including updates to the team’s mission, membership, processes, website, and more. Faculty will also learn best practices for reporting, classroom management strategies, and ways to collaborate with the ACT team.

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Snack & Chat

1st Floor of Language Arts Complex
1:50 - 2:10 pm

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1st Floor of Language Arts Complex
2:10 - 3
:25 pm

Maximize Workflow and Productively Using Ai and ChatGPT!
Presenter: Shawn Taylor

Location: LAC 109

Session Description: This session is designed exclusively for faculty and staff seeking innovative ways to enhance their daily tasks and workflows. Explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI. Discover practical applications and strategies to integrate AI seamlessly into your work, enabling you to streamline tasks, boost efficiency, and unlock new possibilities.

Invisible Disabilities and the Neurodivergent Experience in the Classroom
Presenters: Denise Bon and Bill La 

Location: LAC 107

Session Description: Are you interested in creating an inclusive and affirming classroom experience for our disabled community at GWC?  Our invisible disability and/or neurodivergent population at GWC is growing year by year. This workshop will be an interactive presentation of common of 5 common characteristics of hidden disabilities & neurodiversity in the classroom and strategies to use with your students. A significant portion of the workshop will be question and answer.  Bring your own classroom experiences and let's brainstorm the most affirming way to handle difficult, unique or odd situations.

Nuventive Workgroup: Taking a Deeper Dive
Presenters: Amy Thach and Uyen Tran 

Location: LAC 207

Session Description: This hands-on session will be focused on the established Nuventive sandboxes that have been created for the faculty who volunteered to be part of the Nuventive SLO Workgroup.  The following discipline sandboxes include: Biology, Counseling, English, History, Nursing, and Psychology.

** Designed for the Nuventive Workgroup Members as attendees.

Schools First Retirement
Presenter: Liz Shatzel 

Location: LAC 101

Session Description: Learn what retirement savings plan options are available to you. Gain a basic understanding of your pension (CalSTRS/CalPERS) and why it is important to have additional savings. Have the opportunity to enroll in a 403b/457b. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore how to better prepare yourself for the future!


Using Library Resources in Canvas to support your classes
Presenter: Alana Krause 

Location: LAC 106

Session Description: Whether you are trying to get your course to zero cost (ZTC) or just want to find quality sources for content/readings, every discipline on campus can use the library’s electronic resources to model credible information for their students. Tired of hitting that paywall online? Wondering what the library has and how to link it in Canvas? Did you know students, faculty, and staff have access to the Wall Street Journal, NY Times, LA Times, and more? This session is for you. Bring your laptop or tablet or use the campus computers in the lab to locate materials – whether it’s an alternative textbook, readings, streaming videos, or an article to discuss.

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CFE Union

Forum 1
3:30 - 4
:30 pm

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 858 3538 8997

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CCA Union

3:30 - 4
:30 pm

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 867 0194 4030

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8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Jill Kiefer
(714) 895-8792

12:00 - 3:00 pm
Samantha Nguyen
(714) 895-8772

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