Why participate in a GWC Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs)?
FIGs give participants the opportunity to
collaborate with colleagues to discuss and/or research a particular issue, topic, or project related to student learning;
learn and share ideas around a common theme or question in teaching and learning; and
continue to develop professionally as a college faculty member.
What are some possible topics for FIGs?
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Cultural Competency
Supporting English learners
Addressing privilege, difference, and discrimination in the classroom
Challenging students' stereotypes, biases, and misperceptions
Building student confidence and belonging
Applying inclusive teaching practices
Teaching strategies/approaches
Learning theory and methods
Problem-based learning/ using case studies in teaching
Collaborative/cooperative learning: theory and methods
Community-based learning
Strengthening instructional skills/practices in a vocational setting
Increasing student engagement
Designing teaching portfolios
Guidelines for forming and maintaining a FIG:
All GWC full and part time faculty members are eligible to participate in FIGs.
Groups of 4-8 faculty can be formed any time during the academic year to form a FIG.
Groups may be from the same discipline or cross-disciplinary.
Groups should plan to meet in person or online for at least 3 hours over the course of a term or year.
One faculty member must agree to facilitate the group. This person will arrange and announce meeting times, dates, and locations. Facilitators will coordinate with the CIL Coordinator for information and planning.
Each group must have a specific focal topic, issue, concern, question, project, or challenge that it will spend the term and/or year addressing.
Participants will be awarded a $400 honorarium, based upon attendance and participation in the FIG. Those attending less than 50% of the FIG meetings will receive no honorarium.
The total number of groups funded is based on available funds.
Faculty Inquiry Groups are expected to share their learning with an appropriate audience. This includes but is not limited to reports, presentations, or workshops for your department, your division, or the larger faculty community at GWC at flex days or the CIL.
Each FIG (led by the facilitator) is expected to write a short report to be shared on the GWC CIL website. Reports should include
the topic or governing questions of your FIG;
the resources the group found most helpful;
a brief description of each of your meetings; and
the overall outcomes of the project, including benefits of the FIG experience for group members.