All Writing Assistance workshops will be online via Zoom at the times and dates listed below.
Planning Essays and Research Papers
Friday March 7, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will discuss how to approach writing essays and research papers. We will go over the importance of pre-writing activities and outlines, in addition to suggestions for how to pace yourself and stay organized and focused on the requirements in the prompt. There will be an opportunity to practice, so bringing a prompt for a current assignment is encouraged.
Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences
Friday March 14, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will offer extra practice for writing a thesis statement and topic sentences. We will review what they are as well as offer an opportunity to fine-tune those important writing skills. Bringing a current assignment for this practice is encouraged.
Plagiarism: Academic Integrity + AI Considerations
Friday March 21, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will explain what is considered plagiarism in college. Students will learn tips to avoid plagiarizing through quizzes and discussion. It will highlight academic integrity, touch on the importance of adhering to writing style format rules, and offer crucial considerations before using AI.
MLA Style Format
Friday April 11, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will cover what the MLA writing style format is and how to write in accordance with that style. We will review document setup and how to cite the most commonly used sources for in-text citations and the Works Cited page. We will also touch on the dangers of using citation generators and good resources for students who are being asked to write in MLA. Bringing a current assignment will be helpful.
APA Style Format
Friday April 25, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will cover what the APA writing style format is and how to write in accordance with that style. We will review document setup and how to cite the most commonly used sources for in-text citations and the References page. We will also touch on the dangers of using citation generators and good resources for students who are being asked to write in APA. Bringing a current essay assignment will be helpful.
Timed Essay Writing
Friday May 2, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will go over tips to prepare students for essay exams. We will review common organizational patterns that are often used for written tests, in addition to explaining how to approach writing for each pattern. Tips will also be discussed for how to prioritize the time allowed for in-class essays, as well as suggestions for how to practice writing with time restraints.
Revising + Editing Essays
Friday May 9, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop will offer tips for revising and editing writing assignments. Students will learn the difference between revising and editing, as well as how to break up the process so it is less overwhelming and more productive. Coming prepared with a draft for a current assignment is encouraged.
Writing Basics + Quick Tips
Friday May 16, 2025, 10:30-11:30 am
This workshop addresses common areas for improvement in writing. It will highlight frequent issues with grammar and style, as well as offer solutions for quick fixes. Coming prepared with a writing sample or current assignment is encouraged.