Golden West College Partners with City of Huntington Beach to Support Students’ Basic Needs

Inside the Basic needs, The Stand

On Aug. 5 the City of Huntington Beach announced plans for a new partnership with Golden West College aimed at addressing the rising needs of students requiring essential resources, particularly housing services. More than 100 students at GWC identified as homeless or at-risk for homelessness during the 2023-24 academic year, double the number from the previous year (2022-23).

Starting this month, the Huntington Beach Homeless and Behavioral Health Services department will host in-reach hours on GWC’s campus every second and fourth Tuesday from 1–2  p.m. During these sessions, students can collaborate with City Social Workers to connect with local resources or receive referrals to the Huntington Beach Navigation Center.

This initiative aims to provide GWC students with direct access to vital services, ensuring they receive the necessary support to thrive academically and personally. By working together, the City of Huntington Beach and Golden West College are dedicated to fostering a supportive environment where students can achieve their educational goals without the added burden of unmet basic needs.

“We are excited about this collaboration and its positive impact on our community. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of GWC students, providing them with the stability and resources they need to succeed,” says Huntington Beach’s Homeless Services Manager Jessica Kelley.

GWC’s on-campus food pantry,“The Stand,” provides free groceries, hygiene products and case management services to all enrolled students. During the 2023-24 academic year, The Stand served a total of 1,700 students in more than 21,000 unique visits. Additionally, during that same time period 360 students received hygiene products, household items, or clothing, and 233 students benefited from case management support, highlighting the demand for comprehensive aid.
