To qualify for EOPS, students must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be a California resident or meet AB 540/California Dream Act requirements
- Be enrolled in 12 units/full-time at the time of acceptance into EOPS with the majority of units at Golden West College (Exception: verified NextUp and/or DSPS students)
- Must qualify for California College Promise Grant (CCPG A or B) or CCPG C with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 0 determined by the Federal Students Aid (FAFSA)
- Must have less than 40 transferable units completed at all colleges or universities attended
In addition, students must meet one of the following criteria:
- Placed in a remedial Math or English course
- Did not graduate from high school or earn a General Education Diploma (GED)
- Graduated from high school with a grade point average below 2.50
- Have parent(s) who are non-native English speakers
- Are a first-generation college student
- Are a member of an underrepresented group
- Are a single parent (see CARE program webpage)
- Are a current or former foster youth (see NextUp/Guardian Scholars program)
How to Apply for EOPS
- Complete a Golden West College Admissions Application
- Complete a Free Application for Federal Students Aid (FAFSA). Students who are not able to complete a FAFSA should submit a California College Promise Grant (CCPG). Students who are AB540 students should complete a California Dream Act Application.
- Submit official transcripts from all previously attended college, besides OCC and CCC, to Admissions and Records
- Complete an EOPS/CARE/NextUp/Guardian Scholars Program Application
- Eligible students will receive an invitation to attend a mandatory EOPS Orientation by email, mail and/or phone. Welcome to the EOPS program!