HBUHSD students can take select GWC courses online or on GWC’s campus for free through the Concurrent Enrollment program. All of the courses listed below have been approved for dual high school and college credit for HBUHSD students. Students who will be enrolled in an HBUHSD high school can enroll in any of the courses listed below for FREE and receive both high school and college credit. HBUHSD students who enroll in a course listed below do NOT need to pay any fees or textbook costs.
GWC will automatically waive tuition for high school students, and HBUHSD will cover the cost of campus fees and textbooks for any approved classes listed below. Students who want to register in another class may do so, but they will be responsible for campus fees and any textbook costs.
Click on image above to open PDF course list
Please view the GWC class schedule for days and times of instruction.
Are you an HBUHSD student interested in signing up for a GWC course through Concurrent Enrollment? Please use the link below to visit the How to Apply and Register page to apply to the college and submit the Concurrent Enrollment Release Form to get permission to register.
Please email us at dualenrollment@gwc.cccd.edu if you have any questions about dual enrollment courses for HBUHSD students or the sign-up process.