The following interviews are with working, professional fine artists in the LA area. Each one of these artists took time out of their day to offer helpful insights into their lives as professional fine artists.

Siobhan McClure

Siobhan McClure, Polaris, 2022, oil on canvas

Siobhan McClure, Polaris, 2022, oil on canvas

1. Basic Advice: Do you have any broad advice for artists just starting out? Is there anything that you know now that you wish you knew then?
2. Art School: Any advice for students in art school? Should they go for the BA, the BFA or is an AA enough?
3. Mailers: Do you use any printed media to promote work? Mailers, actual business cards, etc..
4. Podcast/social media Follows: Are there any good art business podcasts that you listen to and/or art business social media accounts you follow?
5. Online Sales: What do you think about selling on Etsy? Saatchi Art? 1st Dibs? I see you have a Pinterest, has that helped in any way?
6. If you could go back in time, would you do anything differently?
7. Dual Careers: Most artists need to have a second career, or another source of income while they are building their studio art career. Do you have any words to share about that fact?
8. Pricing: How do you price your work?
9. Shipping: Do you have any tips on shipping your artwork?
14. What does success in this career look like for you?
17. Website: Is there anything you think an artist’s website should have or not have? Is there any feature of your website that you’ve noticed has been really useful to you?
18. Is there anything that I didn’t ask that you think would be good for emerging artists to know before they take the plunge?

Susan Maddux

Scarlet Botanica, 2023, Acrylic paint, canvas, archival adhesive

Susan Maddux, Scarlet Botanica, 2023, Acrylic paint, canvas, archival adhesive

1. Basic Advice: Do you have any broad advice for artists just starting out? Is there anything that you know now that you wish you knew then?
2. Art School: Any advice for students in art school? Should they go for the BA, the BFA or is an AA enough?
3. Pricing: How do you price your work?
4. Shipping: Do you have any tips on shipping your artwork?
5. Tasks: What is the annoying, but necessary task/s you need to do as a full-time artist?
6. Mailers: Do you use any printed media to promote work? Mailers, actual business cards, etc..
8. Podcast/social media Follows: Are there any good art business podcasts that you listen to and/or art business social media accounts you follow?
9. Online Sales: What do you think about selling on Etsy? Saatchi Art? 1st Dibs? I see you have a Pinterest, has that helped in any way?
10. Time Allocation: What percentage of your time would you say you spend actually creating work and what percentage of your time do you spend on the business end of the stick? Marketing, networking, emailing, forms, etc...?
11. How do you see yourself in the art world? A fine artist, a designer, a businessperson, or all the above?
12. Is there anything that I didn’t ask that you think would be good for emerging artists to know before they take the plunge?

Stephanie Mercado

Bend Back For What?, 2022, Relief prints collage

Stephanie Mercado, Bend Back For What?, 2022, Relief prints collage

1. Basic Advice: Do you have any broad advice for artists just starting out? Is there anything that you know now that you wish you knew then?
2. Art School: Any advice for students in art school? Should they go for the BA, the BFA or is an AA enough?
3. Pricing: How do you price your work?
4. Helpful Tools & Tips: What do you think has been the most helpful tool, hack, or approach to help you get profitable art opportunities: selling your work, getting commissions, etc..
5. Shipping: Do you have any tips on shipping your artwork?
6. Mailers: Do you use any printed media to promote work? Mailers, actual business cards, etc..
7. Licensing: Do you license your work and do you have any thoughts about the best way to do that?
8. Online Sales: What do you think about selling on Etsy? Saatchi Art?
9. Time Allocation: What percentage of your time would you say you spend actually creating work and what percentage of your time do you spend on the business end of the stick? Marketing, networking, emailing, forms, etc...?
10. Website: Is there anything you think an artist’s website should have or not have? Is there any feature of your website that you’ve noticed has been really useful to you?
11. Public Art: You’ve done a few public art projects, do you have any insights to share on that?