Students are eligible to enroll if they meet the following requirements:
- Have not completed ENGL G100S, COUN G104 or PSYC G167
- Attend a mandatory Puente Information Session, and the completion and submission of the Puente Program application
- Commitment to a year-long program and intend to transfer to a college/university
- Students must complete college-level math within the first year of the program
- Participate in all mandatory Puente events including out of class activities such as campus tours, career panels, and conferences
For more information contact
the Puente Program at
(714) 895-8214 or
via email at puente@gwc.cccd.edu,
Nancy Fong,
Puente Counselor at
nfong@gwc.cccd.edu or
visit the GWC Counseling Center.