
  • Primary coordinating and recommending body to the College President on matters of college-wide planning.
  • Primary resource for accreditation and program review processing, coordination, and recommendations.
  • It is understood that the authority of the Academic Senate, the Associated Students of Golden West College and the agreements of our established collective bargaining agents are not diminished by the provisions or definitions found in this document.
  • The Planning Council is a shared governance committee.
  • It is not subject to the Brown Act.


  1. Establish long-term and short-term planning priorities for the college.
  2. Conduct and oversee the process of updating the Strategic Plan, College Mission and Goals, Program Review, and Accreditation reports.
  3. Review of data and other campus committee reports to make recommendations for annual institutional priorities.
  4. Develop and implement resource allocation guidelines and recommendations that enable achievement of college-wide planning goals. Make recommendations of same to the college Budget Council.
  5. Present updates on planning to the Budget Council, Academic Senate, and other college committees, as necessary.
  6. Establish, monitor, and review the work of planning task forces to address specific tasks and implementation of task force recommendations once approved by the Planning Council.
  7. Incorporate equity-minded decision-making to create, promote, and maintain activities, programs, and instruction that welcome, celebrate, and promote respect for all. This includes creating equity among disproportionately impacted students across age, ethnicity, race, national origins, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, mental/physical abilities, family status, religion, and socioeconomic status.
  8. Hold regularly scheduled joint meetings with the Budget Council (frequency TBD by Councils)
  9. Agendas and Action items will be posted as part of the shared governance process.


Committee Co-Chairs Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz, Vice President of Instruction and Claudia Lee, Vice President of Student Services

Recorder: Sheila Cox, Office of Instruction

Planning Council Committee Members
Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz Vice President of Instruction Co-Chair Position Based Continuous
Claudia Lee Vice President of
Student Services
Co-Chair Position Based Continuous
Damien Jordan Academic Senate President or Designee Academic Senate
Academic Senate 2-years
Cristina Tiernes Cruz Faculty Member Council of Chairs and Deans Academic Senate 2-years
Erin Craig Faculty Member CIL Position Based 2-years
Vacant Faculty Member At-Large* Academic Senate 2-years
Michael Tran Faculty Member Transfer Center Position Based Continuous
Theresa Lavarini Faculty Member CFE CFE 2-years
Christy Banales Classified Senate President or Designee Classified Senate Classified Senate 2-years
Jeannette Jaramillo Classified Member CFCP CFCP 2-years
Kay Nguyen Manager At-Large CDMA 2-years
Lauren Davis Sosenko ORIPE Manager or Designee ORPIE Position based Continuous
Christina Ryan Rodriguez

Dean of Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services Position based Continuous
Vacant Associate Dean of Equity or Designee Equity Position Based Continuous
Gisela Verduzco Dean of Counseling Counseling** Position based Continuous
Ciara Orna Student ASGWC ASGWC 1-year
Vacant Student ASGWC ASGWC 1-year

*Preferred Math / English discipline, if not represented on committee
**Counseling (EOPS, DSPS, Veterans

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, 1:00 – 3 pm (excluding holidays)

Planning Council Teams
